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12/2 (日) 就讓我們一起跟著 Michele 大廚學習怎麼製作 100% 酸麵糰瑪格麗塔披薩吧! (再一起吃光光) Let’s learn with Michele how to make a 100% sourdough Margherita pizza! (And eat them all!)


💡酸麵糰知識 x 🍕動手做披薩 x 😋開心享用

台東都蘭火紅的 Ajó Pizza 要強勢回歸摟!

Ajó Pizza 是台灣第一家專賣傳統義大利酸麵糰披薩的店家,而 Michele 大廚就是 Ajó Pizza 的創始人。 Michele 在都蘭找到兩位接續 Ajó Pizza 精神的 Will 和 Janet 傳承,現在他將攜手全台最大義大利教育機構 Italia Oggi 合作,把酸麵糰的知識與披薩製作的方法分享給更多喜愛披薩的朋友!



  1. 酸麵糰的介紹,使用它來烤披薩的方法、不同麵粉的使用以及它們的特性;
  2. 僅使用酸麵糰與混合幾種麵粉製作披薩麵糊;
  3. 學習揉麵團的方式、在過程中了解麵團的手感與風味;
  4. 學習製作長時間發酵麵團的方式,讓成品對人體更健康、身體少負擔;
  5. 製作傳統拿坡里瑪格麗塔披薩(Margherita),因為它是最能強調食材品質的披薩,也是許多披薩的基底;
  6. 我們將使用家用烤箱來烤披薩,讓同學了解到家用烤箱也可以容易烤出好吃、酥脆的披薩。烤出來之後,我們再一起享用披薩



  • 名稱:傳統義式酸麵糰披薩 Traditional Italian Sourdough Pizza
  • 地點: Italia Oggi 台中校 (台中市南屯區大墩十街207號2樓之1)
  • 日期與時間:12月2日(日) 16:30開始,約兩小時
  • 費用:980元/人
  • 報名人數:最多10人
  • 報名專線:04-2320-5300
  • 使用語言:英文 與 中文


Ajó pizza is glad to inform that we are back!

Michele, founder of Ajó pizza, first traditional Italian pizza house in Taiwan to bake strictly 100% sourdough pizza, after having found two worthy successors for his pizzeria in Dulan, is glad to announce the coming pizza class in Taichung, in cooperation with the biggest Italian Language School in Taiwan, Italia Oggi.


The class will provide:

  1. A brief introduction about sourdough and its use for pizza baking, use of different kind of flour and their behavior;
  2. How to make a pizza dough only using sourdough and mixing different kind of flour;
  3. Will be taught how to knead by hand to get confidence with the dough, its texture and flavor;
  4. Students will learn how to make a long fermentation dough for a healthier and lighter product;
  5. The class foresees the preparation of pizza Margherita, recipe typical of Naples area, which is all about the quality of the ingredients and it is the best base for dozens of kinds of pizzas;
  6. We will bake the pizza in a domestic oven to show that no professional equipment is required to get a good, crispy pizza at home, just knowledge and time ;), and later on we will eat our delicious pizza.


Main information:

  • Class name: Traditional Italian Sourdough Pizza
  • Location: Italia Oggi Taichung (2-1F, No. 207, Dadun 10th St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City)
  • Date and time: Sunday, 2nd of December starting at 16:30 and lasting two (2) hours
  • Fee: 980 twd/person
  • Max number of participants: 10
  • Contact number for booking and information: 04-2320-5300
  • Languages: English and Chinese